Published On: September 15, 2024

Voles of the Dusk, Page 39

Thus ends the first story in the "Voles of the Dusk" series. After finishing this story, I laid out some ground rules for the future. First, I swore that I would never repeat myself. It'd be easy enough to write stories from now until the end of whenever about NoName wandering through the post-apocalypse being an arsehole. Second, I decided that there should never be a redemption arc for NoName. This one is a bit tougher, since as the series progresses we learn that there are definitely worse voles in this world than him (among other assorted rodents and science experiments gone horribly wrong). NoName is awful but his ability to be awful only reaches as far as the length of his arm. As in our world, it's the folks with power that do the real damage. I think there was originally a third rule for the series. I can't remember it now but these things are supposed to come in threes. Never use color or greyscale? That could have been it. I'm gonna claim that's it so I can go to bed.

If you enjoyed this story, you can get it from my shop in pdf form. Support your local artists! Also artists who live on the opposite side of the planet from you!

Tomorrow I will begin uploading the second Voles story, Scum Hive.

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